Day 2,679 —Movies in the Morning— with a PICTURE of a Bird and a Rabbit

I started watching movies in sections in the morning a few years ago. I found it to be helpful in dealing with problems I could not act on. Today I watched a little of Certified Copy. When I started my run, I was still thinking about the characters and the concept, processing what I had seen. My mind did shift to all the things I need to do today for work, but I had a good thirty-minutes or so of thinking about a movie, instead of work. 

Today is supposed to be my easiest day of the week. I went slow and wore a different pair of shoes. I kept my breathing easy and didn’t break a sweat. 

I am not sure how many miles I am going to do tomorrow. My training guide only has me down for only 20 more, but I feel like I might do more. I want to run until I am exhausted, or at least very tired.  


the Most Epic Runs