Day 2,667 —I am Going to Make Rice and Broccoli— with a PICTURE of a SHOPPING CART and a CAR WASH

Moving slow today I did a 6.5-mile loop to start. I was able to visit the bees again but was already getting hot. My daughter was demanding corn when I got home, so I stayed longer than I had planned. 

    At the beginning of the summer me, my friend Craig, and his friend C recorded a demo for a podcast that we wanted to do. We talked about the purpose of reading and art, and why we tell stories. We also talked about the short story “Bloodchild” by Octavia Butler. 

At one time we were all in the English program at Webster. C is a playwright and Craig is an English teacher now.

I don’t know if anything will come out of it, but I enjoy talking to adults about short stories and art. 

Craig wanted us all to listen to it, so we can talk about it collectively to help us decide on how to move forward. I had put off listening to it for the past couple of weeks, but I am glad I got around to it. 

    I like the idea of recording conversations with people about serious topics. I always end up going there in real life with people. I actively try to prevent it happening most of the time now. However, it still happens. 

    I was miserable on this run. I was sweating so much, and I just felt heavy. I am going to make rice and broccoli.   


the Most Epic Runs