Day 2,684 —Hard to Know, Easy to Love— with my PICTURE of a TREE that LOOKS like a PERSON taken at LONE ELK PARK

Went the entire run without listening to anything today. The stars and moon have been clear the past couple of mornings, so I am trying to appreciate them while they last. The night sky can help me feel secure, looking up and seeing the Big Dipper and other familiar patterns is a source of comfort; however, looking up and seeing clouds and the accumulation of light pollution, makes me feel disconnected. 

I ran through some trails close to my house in some parks and through the seminary. My new shoes sop up the moisture from the ground, and it feels like I am wearing two gigantic sponges on my feet instead of shoes. 

I saw an entire family of deer stop and stare at me. They were scared, and I felt bad for disturbing their peace. I tried to explain that I was only visiting, but they bolted away from me as if my presence alone was threatening. 


the Most Epic Runs