Day 2,691 —my Mind Running on Overdrive— with my PICTURE of the SUN piercing through the TREES

    Only five-hours of sleep, but I feel mostly rested. I am still figuring out my new routine and my mind has been running on overdrive, tackling each new topic that I am exposed to with vigor. It feels great to be challenged and to get lost in my thoughts exploring experience after experience, wondering what will happen today. 

I am not trying to write in vague abstract terms, merely trying to capture why I was up late last night . . . 

    I am learning so much about education, St. Louis City Public Schools, and my community. I am also started taking graduate courses, which do consist of a lot of people like me, high school English teachers, looking for another degree. However, there is a lot of people completely different taking those classes, and they fascinate me. There is a person in my class who says that they are a banker, but they want to take English graduate classes. 

    I didn’t mean to go as far today. I usually don’t on Wednesdays. Yet, in my head I was already planning a longer run, so when I realized, I didn’t need to. I did it anyway because I had already decided. I wanted to go for a longer run. I was looking forward to it.   

    At the end my left leg was bothering me some. I really should be taking it easier this week. 


the Most Epic Runs