Day 2,697 —Transitioning Back— with my PICTURE of a FIELD, the CLOUDS, and a TREE

I opened my eyes at 3 to check my work calendar. I was surprised I scheduled an observation at 7:10. I looked at my cats. I started my day. 

I have only been off work for three days, but my office and my regular work interactions seem foreign to me. I don’t know if it is the weekend or the long run I did on Saturday. I have been functioning on half speed for the past wo days. Am I ready to go back to full speed? Another day, filled with no free time and always feeling like I am not getting enough done.  

This is where I remind myself that I am genuinely interested in everything that I am doing, from working with new teachers, to reading and writing about education and topics about race and gender. 

My run felt normal, like all the pain from the weekend has been almost forgotten. 


the Most Epic Runs