Day 2,692 —Twenty Thousand Essays— with my PICTURE of a EMPTY CLASSROOM

     I write a lot of what I put down here in my head while I am running. This is one of many essays that I was busy constructing today and most mornings, my mind never resting on one topic too long, but if I have something else to figure out about an idea, I will keep coming back to it. 

     I keep meaning to write about my spider friend that I visit every morning. When I turn on my sprinkler, she is always hanging out by the spigot. A couple of weeks ago I found her on the floor in my house and moved her outside. She was grateful and started living next to the backdoor, putting webs just to the right of the door; however, I kept going through the webs because her placement was unavoidable. Now she lives by the spigot and greets me in the morning . . .  

     This idea isn’t nearly as developed as I would like it to be, but it is only just one of many. Here is some of the others: 

    My thoughts on Crime and Punishment. . .

    My thoughts on the disconnect that society has with education . . . 

    My thoughts on what it really means to have high expectations . . .  

    My reflection on Walmart, noticing this morning how their employees take all the good parking spots . . .

    I am not exaggerating when I suggest that these unfinished works are infinitely more complex and nuanced in my mind. So even trying to write about one of them ends up being an exercise in reduction for the sake of clarity because I can never even come close to what I am actually thinking . . . 


the Most Epic Runs