Day 2,699 —Scars and Recovery— with my PICTURE of GRASS and an ART INSTALLATION

I wore a Band-Aid yesterday on one of my hands. No one asked me about it at work. I kept looking at my hands, and they looked better than they did right after it happened. Today when I was running, I had already pushed the injury out of my head and was thinking about other things when I fell again. My right hand was injured worse yesterday than my left. Today my left hand was injured worse, which makes sense instinctively that I caught myself with my left hand. I almost wore gloves before I went out today and tomorrow, I will put on a light pair. Yet, being preoccupied with scars made me nostalgic, thinking of stories from my past. 

I used to rollerblade when I was younger, and I remember busting my knees open multiple times. I busted my lip open being pulled by my brother on his bike. It was a great idea at the time. It felt like we had invented something new. It was like waterskiing. 

When I got older, I remember some epic tumbles while zooming around on my bike. One that involved a road being repaved, so the road was entirely little sharp black rocks. The little rocks got stuck in my skin, and I had to pick them out. 

Scars taught me something then, like they do now. They remind me that I am not invincible, but also that I can recover when I fall. 


  1. I'm sorry you hurt your hands!
    But I appreciate the wisdom of not invincibility but recovery! Thanks.


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