Day 2,707 —Not the Same— with my PICTURE looking INSIDE a WINDOW

Happy Freya Day, I guess. Next week is going to be so busy; it is difficult to see past all the obstacles, and our childcare will be closed all week, so that just makes things harder. However, it is good spending more time with my daughter, so it is hard to complain about that. 

I am moving slow this morning, feeling like I am forgetting to do something, but I am pretty sure I have muddled through all my morning activities.

I am enjoying Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition by T. Colon Campbell currently. He has a whole section explaining when money is the primary motivation in health care, it cultivates the priorities of treating sickness as opposed to preventing illness. 

And when you think about it, your doctor only has two tools to help you. They can use their knife or a pill. It is misguided for us to expect a medical doctor to be interested in protecting us from future visits when that’s not how they get paid, nor is it what they have been trained to do.   


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