Day 2,711 —How to Run in the Rain— with my PICTURE of the BRIDGE over RIVER DES PERES

Noticing the rain after I heard the lightning, I was already a little cold and tired. It seemed impossible at that moment to imagine myself opening the door to my house and striding out through the puddles as the lightning struck and the thunder clamored, but that’s what I did. First, I stretched and mediated and drank some coffee, but then I opened the door, and I realized I wanted my jacket, so I went back and put on my jacket, and then I went outside and ran in the rain. I headed to an area with some tree canopies and stopped noticing the rain as much. 

The trick is you do it, but you cannot give yourself a hard time if you don’t go as fast or as far as you would have liked. 



the Most Epic Runs