Day 2,716 —Spending Time with my Daughter— with my PICTURE of CLOUDS and a FACTORY

I stayed up late and started my run a little later this morning. I was hoping to be more productive today, but I have been tired and unmotivated. I need a mental break from such a crazy week, but I have a paper that I have been almost done with for about 4 days now that I was hoping I would finish it this afternoon. 

I ran in sandals today, which was fun because I haven’t done that in a while. I am getting tired of my running shoes. I like sandals again. I think the most annoying thing about my new job is how much time I must spend sitting down typing. It is really bothering my left leg and hip. 

Besides that, it has been extremely rewarding. I went to Grant’s Farm today with my daughter and wife, and we will for sure be buying tickets to go there for Halloween. I am kind of looking forward to Halloween.  


the Most Epic Runs