Day 2,702 —Mowed the Lawn— with my PICTURE of a SIGN that TELLS YOU to LOOK at the SUN

Feeling more like myself today, but still groggy and tired. I keep thinking that I am missing something important. Part of me feels like I should go out and run more at some point, but we will see where the day goes. I am trying to do some homework for my classes this week, but also, I hope to make some food in a little bit and tidy up some. 

I didn’t like the picture I posted yesterday, so I edited enough today to have a different one for yesterday, today, and tomorrow. This is one of the reasons why I always try to edit pictures for the next day the day before, so I don’t feel rushed when I edit. I have so many pictures there is no reason to spend an excessive amount of time on a shot that has technical issues. 

I finally mowed the lawn some. I let it grow for weeks in my attempt to let some new grass grow and even out my lawn. But it needed to be mowed, so I am happy to finally get it done. 

I ate some Thai food yesterday. I love Pad Thai, but I haven’t had it forever. It is easy to make it vegan, but it is still greasy and salty, so not the best, but a nice treat. Happy Sunday. 

A lot of people out riding bikes, selling lemonade, playing with bubbles. People are certainly living it up here.   


the Most Epic Runs