Day 2,712 —First Day of Fall and Taking my own Advice— with my PICTURE of LANDSCAPING EQUIPMENT STUCK IN THE MUD

Still going to bed later and getting up at the same time. Spent the morning troubleshooting other people’s problems in my mind while thinking about why I cannot take my own advice. I reassure people frequently by telling them what a good job I think they are doing and to not be too hard on themselves, but I cannot take that advice. 

Sometimes all I see is my flaws in whatever I am doing, and I cannot even give myself any slack or understanding, but it is still primarily in my subconscious. I am aware that I am doing the best that I can in all things, but that has not always been good enough, so I monitor and evaluate all my interactions and give myself notes, but my notes are always harsher than the notes I would give anyone else. 

I am glad I am at the very least thinking about it and making myself aware that it is an issue. 


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