Day 2,696 —Things I Forgot— with my PICTURE of a NEWS VAN at 4 in the MORNING

I forgot what day it was during my first update that I recorded on Saturday. I forgot the word “blisters,” watching it now, it seems so obvious how out of it I was, and it honestly looks a lot more fun. I wonder, why didn’t I do at least three more miles? Among other things, but that’s the thing about ultra-running. You’re never exactly sure when you will want to quit, and if it comes at the right time, you’re defenseless. I thought I was being smart about my pace and my food, but I probably was moving too fast. I should have tried to slow down a little more, so to keep the desire to keep going late into the night. 

I wasn’t sleepy, but I did hallucinate a little during the end of the run. I thought a mailbox was a person, and something else I don’t remember now.

I want to try this again before the 100-mile run. This time my goal will be 85 miles in 24 hours. 


the Most Epic Runs